Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Where is the character I want to type?

ျမန္မာ အကၡရာ ေတြကို ရွာမေတြ႔သူမ်ားအတြက္ ဒီ ဘေလာ့ဂ္ကို ေရးလိုက္တာပါ။
အကၡရာေတြကို သံုးနည္းခြဲထားပါတယ္။
  1. ရိုးရိုး
  2. Shift နဲ႔တြဲႏွိပ္ျခင္း
  3. ခလုပ္ကို ၾကာၾကာေလး ႏွိပ္ထားျခင္း

 ကီးဘုတ္ကို ဖြင့္လိုက္လိုက္ခ်င္း ေအာက္ပါအတိုင္း ေတြ႔ရမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
(Image: Keys visible when the keyboard is started)

Shift key (အေပၚေထာင္မွ်ား) ကို ႏွိပ္လိုက္လွ်င္ ေအာက္တြင္ ျမင္ရတဲ့ အတိုင္း ေျပာင္းသြားမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
(Image: Keys visible when Shift key is pressed)

ကီး တစ္ခုခ်င္းစီကို ၾကာၾကာေလး ႏွိပ္ေပးထားျခင္းျဖင့္ အပို စာလံုးမ်ားကို ရိုက္လို႔ ရပါေသးတယ္။
(Image: When ဆ Key is long pressed)

ဘယ္အကၡရာ ဘယ္မွာ ရွာရမယ္ဆိုတာ လြယ္ကူေစရန္ ေအာက္ပါဇယားတြင္ ၾကည့္ရႈႏိုင္ပါတယ္။

Sr. အကၡရာ Key
1 က Normal
2 Normal
3 Shift ၈
4 Shift ခ
5 Normal
6 Normal
7 Normal
8 Shift ဖ
9 Normal
10 Long press ည
11 Normal
12 Shift ၃
13 Shift ထ
14 Shift ၁
Shift ဆ
16 Shift စ
17 Normal
18 Normal
19 Normal
20 Shift ဒ
21 Normal
22 Normal
23 Normal
24 Shift ေ
25 Normal
26 Normal
27 Normal
28 Shift ၇
29 Normal
30 Shift ယ
31 Normal
32 Normal
33 Shift လ
34 Normal
35 Long press ၏
36 Long press ၏
37 Shift သ
38 Long press သ
39 Shift ဟ
40 Long press အ
41 Long press အ
42   - ါNormal
43   - ာ Normal
44   -ိ Normal
45   -ီ Shift -ိ
46   -ု Normal
47   -ူ Normal
48 ေက Normal
49 -ဲ Shift ျ
50   -ဳ Shift   -ု
51   -ဴ Shift  -ူ
52   -ံ Shift   -့
53   -့ Normal
54   -း Normal
55   -္ Normal
56 -် Normal
57 ျခ Normal
58 -ြ Shift - ါ
59 -ွ Shift - ်
60 Normal
61 Normal
62 Normal
63 Normal
64 Normal
65 Normal
66 Normal
67 Normal
68 Normal
69 Normal
70 Shift ။
71 Normal
72 Shift ၄
73 Shift ပ
74 Shift မ
75 Normal
76 ခၚ Shift  -း
77 -ၠ Long press က
78 -ၡ Long press ခ
79 -ၢ Long press ဂ
80 -ၣ Long press ဃ
81 -ၤ Shift -္
82 -ၥ Long press စ
83 -ၦ Long press ဆ
84 -ၧ Long press ဆ
85 -ၨ Long press ဖ
86 -ၩ Long press ဈ
87 Long press ည
88 Long press ည
89 -ၬ Long press ၃
90 -ၭ Long press ထ
91 Long press ၁
92 Long press ၁
93 -ၰ Long press စ
94 -ၱ Long press တ
95 -ၲ Long press တ
96 -ၳ Long press ထ
97 -ၴ Long press ထ
98 -ၵ Long press ဒ
99 -ၶ Long press ဒ
100 -ၷ Long press န
101 -ၸ Long press ပ
102 -ၹ Long press ဖ
103 -ၺ Long press ေ
104 -ၻ Long press ဘ
105 -ၼ Long press မ
106 -ၽ Long press ်
107 Shift  - ာ
108 Long press ျ
109 Long press - ာ
110 Long press ျ
111 Long press - ာ
112 Long press ျ
113 Long press - ာ
114 -ႅ Long press လ
115 Long press သ
116 -ႇ Long press ်
117 -ႈ Shift င
118 -ႉ Shift က
119 -ႊ Shift အ
120 -ႋ Long press
121 -ႌ Long press
122 -ႍ Long press
123 -ႎ Long press
124 Shift န
125 Long press ၇
126 Shift ၂
127 Long press ထ
128 -႓ Long press ဘ
129 -႔ Long press -့
130 -႕ Long press -့
131 -႖ Long press တ
132 Long press ၃

Friday, December 13, 2013

How to use Myanmar Keyboard on Android

Important Notice

  • This keyboard will only work on the phones that have Zawgyi font installed.
    1. If you have newer Samsung phones (e.g., Note III) from Yangon, they came with Zawgyi font installed.
    2. If you have Samsung Galaxy S4 or certain phones, you can follow the instructions at this page
    3. You might have to root your phone to install Zawgyi font or get someone to do it for you :)


  • Get the app here
  • Get the add-on for Zawgyi font here

Enabling keyboard

  • Open Myanmar Keyboard app on your phone

  • Click on Enable keyboard. A list of keyboards will be displayed. Select Myanmar Keyboard. When a warning sign is displayed, accept it. There's such a warning for enabling all keyboards. Myanmar Keyboard does not collect your personal information or keystrokes (you can check the permissions and the source code.)
  • Click back key to return to Myanmar Keyboard. Then, click on Input languages. Choose "MM Zawgyi". You may also choose English if you want to use Myanmar Keyboard for both English and Zawgyi fonts.
  • Click back key to return to Myanmar Keyboard. Then click on Set input method. Choose Myanmar Keyboard.
  • You are now ready to type in Zawgyi font.

Using keyboard

Typing Myanmar characters

  • All characters are arranged into following
    • Typing normally

  • Typing after clicking Shift key
  • Long press a key to view more characters

Switching keyboards

If you have selected both English and MM Zawgyi, swipe the space bar to switch between keyboards

Using auto-completion

Suggestions will show up when you start typing. Choose one of the suggestions or complete your own typing. If you want to save a new phrase, long press the phrase and it will be saved so that it will show up as one of the suggestions when you start typing the same phrase next time.